With the desire for our customers to use our products for a long time with love, VAIO pursues careful manufacturing at its headquarters factory in Azumino City, Nagano Prefecture. We deliver high-quality products with a high level of perfection through repeated quality verification and design improvements.
Standard quality testing for mobile notebooks
We pursue robustness to protect data from pressure and vibration.
The purpose of the pressurized vibration test is to ensure that the computer is tough enough to withstand high pressure and vibration. For example, during rush hour, a PC placed in a bag is pushed hard from both the top and bottom, putting a sandwich-like pressure on the LCD display and keyboard. In the pressurized vibration test, a device that works on the same principle as a vice is used to apply a huge pressure of 150kgf* to the VAIO. The VAIO is then fixed to the vibration test machine and checked to see if it functions normally even under continued pressure and vibration.
*kgf=the amount of gravity that a mass of 1 kilogram (kg) experiences under standard gravitational acceleration. Weight in kilograms.
*Similar tests are also conducted on the VAIO F14.
Assumes an accident. The door is forced open beyond the normal range of motion.
Tests are conducted to simulate accidents in which force is applied beyond the normal range of motion, and it has been confirmed that the LCD display has sufficient strength to withstand damage.
*Similar tests are also conducted on the VAIO F14.
We studied the load generated when closing the display with a pen in it.
The pen clamping test simulates a situation where a pen or other object is unintentionally pinched in a bag and pressure is applied. Specifically, a plastic cylinder (10 mm in diameter) is clamped and the display is closed. This is done once on both the left and right sides. We check in detail what happens and take measures to prevent damage to the internal boards and devices, LCD panel, and case.
*Similar tests are also conducted on the VAIO F14.
The keyboard is designed to prevent water from getting inside even if a drink is spilled on it.
Water is the enemy of electronic devices. PCs are no exception. VAIO has a structure that makes it difficult for water to get inside by using the tilt angle of the main body and the keyboard structure. In the keyboard water splash test, 150cc of water is poured into the keyboard while it is turned on to verify its effectiveness, and it is confirmed that it works normally until the data is saved.
*If water actually spills on the keyboard, please have it repaired and inspected.
*This test is based on the assumption that water is splashed on the keyboard, and does not assume that water will enter through the exhaust/intake vents or various terminals.
*Similar tests are also conducted on the VAIO F14.
Pursuing resistance to the stress that is repeated every day.
When you place your PC on a desk with one hand, the corners that hit the desk receive a greater impact than you would imagine. Therefore, in this corner impact test, VAIO's unique testing machine is used to drop the PC from a height of 5cm 5,000 times on all four corners, measuring the accumulated damage. We are pursuing a toughness that can withstand the damage that users unwittingly inflict on their PC every day.
*Similar tests are also conducted on the VAIO F14.
We strive for robustness to protect data from sudden, strong twists.
If a train suddenly stops during rush hour and pressure is applied to the device enough to bend it, it can put significant stress on the delicate LCD display, as well as the internal circuit boards and devices, resulting in serious consequences such as damage or failure. In the device twist test, the VAIO device is firmly fixed at three corners, and then the fourth corner is slowly pressed down with great force. By conducting such rigorous tests, we strive to ensure that the device is strong enough to withstand being pushed around in a crowded train.
*Similar tests are also conducted on the VAIO F14.
*Quality testing is conducted in a specific environment based on our company's standards. Quality testing of this product does not guarantee that it will be free of damage or accidents.
We have pursued a structure that makes it less likely for your precious LCD display to be damaged.
The LCD panel is one of the parts of a notebook PC that is most susceptible to damage. Therefore, VAIO has thoroughly verified and improved the strength of the LCD housing that completely covers the LCD panel. Tests are conducted by applying pressure directly to this part using a pressure testing machine. By conducting this test on various parts of the LCD housing, we have reproduced a variety of cases, such as pinching the edge of the display with great force, resting your elbow on it with the screen closed, or being shoved into a bag. This has allowed us to determine what kind of structure would be best to protect the delicate LCD panel.
*Similar tests are also conducted on the VAIO F14.